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SDSF - Using SDSF to Display and Control Printers 2.5


3 hours


The SDSF - Using SDSF to Display and Control Printers course shows how to display and modify printer attributes and manipulate printer activity.


Any staff that use SDSF to display or modify printers that are used to print mainframe produced data.


Completion of the following courses: SDSF - Introduction and Basic Concepts, SDSF - Working with SDSF Data or equivalent knowledge.


After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  • Explain the characteristics of printers
  • Manipulate printing activity

Course Content

Displaying and Modifying Printer Attributes

Displaying Printer Status and Availability
Interpreting Printer Attributes
Updating Printer Characteristics
Modifying the Work Selection Criteria

Controlling Printer Activity

Backspacing and Forward Spacing a Printer
Printing an Additional Copy of Output
Purging Output
Stopping and Starting Printers
Interrupting Printer Activity

SDSF - Using SDSF to Display and Control Printers 2.5 Mastery Test

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