Utilities - General Data Set Utilities 2.5
4 hours
This course looks at the IEFBR14, IEHPROGM and IEBCOPY utilities and discusses how they are used to create, copy, and delete data sets. The JCL requirements for these utilities, along with their control statement syntax, is also covered in detail.
Operators, application and system programmers who have a need to code and execute batch utilities that are used for basic z/OS system tasks.
Basic z/OS processing concepts knowledge.
Completion of the "Introduction to JCL" course, or experience using JCL.
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
- Code IEFBR14 JCL to create and delete data sets
- Code IEHPROGM JCL to scratch, uncatalog, catalog and rename data sets
- Use IEBCOPY to copy and merge data associated with partitioned data sets
Course Content
Creating and Deleting Data Sets Using IEFBR14
The Purpose of IEFBR14
JCL Used to Invoke IEFBR14
Cataloging and Uncataloging Non-SMS Data Sets
Deleting Data Sets
Creating Data Sets
Data Set Maintenance Using IEHPROGM
Function of IEHPROGM
IEHPROGM JCL Requirements
Scratching a Data Set
Cataloging and Uncataloging Data Sets
Renaming a Data Set
Using IEBCOPY to Copy Partitioned Data Set Content
Tasks Performed Using IEBCOPY
IEBCOPY JCL Requirements
Copying Partitioned Data Sets Members
Copying and Modifying Load Modules
Merging Partitioned Data Sets
Replacing Existing PDS Members
Selecting and Excluding Members for Copying
Compressing a Data Set